Things I'm Loving Right Now

20 Years

September 14, 2016


Hi everyone and welcome to another blog post!  This week’s post is a little bit more special than usual because I turned 20 today!  That’s right, I have officially ended my teen years and entered into my twenties!  Stick around to hear some of the most important things I’ve learned in my 20 years.

1.  Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there – whether it’s in a relationship or a work-related opportunity.  I don’t regret many things I’ve done and actions I’ve taken in my life, but I do regret being so nervous of being bold in some situations.  I think I’ve played my life rather safe, and that’s not a bad thing at all, but sometimes I wonder how my life would’ve been different had I taken a chance.  Now that I realize that about myself and I have been putting myself out there more, I have been really, really pleased with the outcomes!

2.  Don’t care too much about what others think of what you’re doing.  Now, take this statement with a grain of salt because I take the thoughts of my loved ones very seriously. If someone that I trust is telling me not to do something or that it’s a bad idea, I’m going to take that to heart.  What I mean is don’t take the opinions of those who you don’t even know too seriously.  That’s something I’ve been learning in the past few years or so and it’s so, so freeing.  I used to be very caught up in what others thought of how I looked, or what kind of house I lived in, and so on, that I couldn’t completely focus on bettering myself.  I was in the mindset that if I looked a certain way, then I would be happier because people thought I was “cool” and I was so wrong.  If you focus on being the best you that you can be, that’s what will attract the right kind of people.

3.  Slow down.  I think this is the most important lesson I’m learning right now.  My whole life, I’ve rushed through everything because I’m so excited for the next step.  It’s not bad that I’m super excited, but in doing this, it’s been hard for me to live in the moment and focus on being present.  I have a life that I love and people that I love surrounding me and I need to fully appreciate that because I’m so grateful for the opportunities that I’ve been given!

That’s all the life advice I have for you right now, but let me know if you’d like me to do more posts like this in the future!  Have a great day!


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